Top things to do in Porto


Bar | €

Located in Miragaia, on a discreet terrace but with an exuberant view of the Douro, Mirajazz creates the perfect setting for an intimate jazz session. The Grupo Musical de Miragaia project aims to liven up your afternoons with good music, great wines, tasty snacks and extraordinary energy! Who said jazz is dark cellar music? Open-air, light and the Douro come together to create a peaceful and friendly ambience, just like jazz demands. There is live music on Saturdays from 18:00-20:00.

Mirajazz, a late-afternoon bar, offers around 25 wine references from all the Portuguese regions harmonising with toast and appetisers. In addition to the menu created in partnership with wine clubs, you can buy wine by bottle. We suggest you try Nortada, a beer produced in Porto, and accompany it with a Tosta Mirajazz and a Pastel de Nata! The average price is 20€/ 2 pax.

Open Tuesday to Sunday, from 3 pm to 9 pm.

  • Miragaia/Massarelos
  • Live Music


Escadas do Caminho Novo 11
4050-554 Porto

931 874 872


Live Music
Less than 10€
Live Music
Historic & Center